Hanzo and Genji Tumblr Art Go Be a Furry Somewhere Else


The Story of How Iwaizumi and Tendou Accidentally Got UshiOi Together

  • Tendou gives Iwaizumi his number after the last Seijoh v. Shiratorizawa game (shameless flirt with the ace)
  • Iwa thinks he's j joking around then he accepts, completely oblivious
  • Oikawa saw the whole thing and Knows
  • He says to Iwa on the autobus "If I have to outset hanging out with Ushiwaka-chan, the gray hairs I develop from shut proximity volition be your fault"
  • Iwa was just like "wat" bc he doesn't think they're fifty-fifty going to text after this
  • They showtime texting
  • Tendou sends him a meme that is Actually Funny and Iwa doesn't know him well enough to get out him on read and he would usually ignore a meme simply he doesn't want to be too rude
  • They by and large talk ab movies and manga bc Tendou gives him practiced manga recs and Iwa is a totally film nerd and insults Tendou until he FaceTimes him and they watch the movie together
  • Tendou watches it and talks to Iwa as he does it
  • Iwa is disappointed?? When Tendou flips effectually the camera to the movie so Iwa'south not looking at him anymore
  • They avoid Ushijima and Oikawa in all their conversations and they both tin tell but it's merely bc they're getting along?? Fifty-fifty tho Iwa's from Seijoh and Tendou's from Shiratorizawa
  • Finally, Iwa complains ane day ab Oikawa making fun of him for texting Tendou and Tendou says Ushijima has actually been asking him if Iwa has said anything ab Oikawa
  • Iwa says that they might actually get forth if Oikawa wasn't constantly at Ushijima'due south throat
  • Tendou gets an Idea
  • long story short (evermore past ts reference intended), they become Ushiwaka and Oikawa to become to the movies with them
  • Tendou told Ushi it was an outing with reon and semi and Iwa told Oikawa they were going with MatsuHana
  • Tendou and Iwa got at that place early on and reserved seats for them and were similar "oh no the only seats bachelor were two and ii and we rly wanted to sit down together and then can you guys take the pair in forepart of the states?"
  • Oikawa nigh kills both of them on sight
  • IwaTen sits towards the back and watches UshiOi sit together
  • It starts off awful (Oikawa asks Ushijima for his Twizzlers even tho he hates them and proceeds to eat all of them bc he didn't desire to driblet them and make a mess for the employees so he j eats all of them)
  • Ushijima is noticeably Irritated past this but he's still rly polite and it makes Oikawa feel bad
  • He ends up giving Ushijima his popcorn but Ushijima makes them share and it's just
  • IwaTen watches them accidentally affect hands in the popcorn tub multiple times
  • IwaTen also gets way too close as they whisper ab the 2 and Iwa realizes that he likes Tendou and Tendou the approximate monster notices or at least thinks he knows what happened then he asks if he tin can buss him and they have a short make out session in the back of a cinema, surrounded by children as they watch Frozen Ii bc it was the just movie that was full enough for information technology to be believable that there weren't any empty seats of four in a row
  • When they call back ab UshiOi, they notice that they're sitting closer bc Oikawa wanted to talk to Ushijima ab the movie and Ushijima,,, is j then Red in the face bc of how shut they are
  • Oikawa doesn't even realize it bc he just wants to talk ab the movie and he likes the small grins he pulls out of Ushiwaka when he makes a particularly funny remark
  • But so Olaf dies and Oikawa starts crying and IwaTen expose themselves by laughing so loud they get kicked out of the pic
  • They sit down on the flooring in the hallway exterior and realize that they definitely got rid of the animosity between the two (which was the whole Idea) but they probably just made UshiOi a matter and Iwa's similar "oh NO" and Tendou laughs at him until they offset making out once again
  • UshiOi is non impressed when the movie ends and they walk out and find them in that position half an hour afterward
  • Thanks for your time
  • I might really write this fic they're all ambrosial



gentle ushiois ☁
edit: the lovely @miaoujones​ wrote a fic most this draw!! so if you're feeling like reading something nice u should give it a look  ( ´ ▽ ` )♥


Hunter kits

Exercise not repost


Don't you wanna get abroad

From the same old function y'all gotta play

  • ushioi
  • 牛及
  • haikyuu
  • oikawa tooru
  • ushijima wakatoshi



The perfect spiker for the genius setter and the perfect setter for the genius spiker

I'k loving this arc so far



articulatio genus suppoter♡

Haven't been here in AGES. But ought i come dorsum then



Commission for @kannibal via twitter of her favorite boof, Werewolf!McCree from Overwatch.

Let's just say it caused me much pain and I hate snouts. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻



Yous'll be thrilled to know that Strange Oddities' PDFs are open for preorders until Jan 1st (Nosotros're expecting zines to go far the showtime week of january so y'all should get your orders then)

Unlimited stock, all proceeds become to Wild fauna Conservation Society.

There will exist 1 last sale including the remaining physical copies and merch once the first shipping is done and we are certain no zines got lost in the mail so keep your optics out for it! (Not before March)

Get your re-create here!

Bearding asked:

Since Tumblr's kinda going crazy, do yous take a Twitter or something else nosotros tin also follow you on?

Perhaps, two cakes this year. One to take home, and one for a snack.  (Undead brings served-cold ref cake; Vanhelsing brings strawberry-filled devil's cake gooey and straight from the oven.)

Maybe, two cakes this yr. One to take dwelling, and i for a snack.

(Undead brings served-cold ref cake; Vanhelsing brings strawberry-filled devil'due south cake gooey and straight from the oven.)

  • mchanzo
  • jesse mccree
  • hanzo shimada
  • overwatch
  • oni hanzo
  • undead mccree
  • the earth could always use more heroes
  • fanart
  • kannibal

Buddy system! Don't go through the teleporter without one another.  (Genji is too young to go on his own so Sojiro-oyabun keeps him entertained)

Buddy organization! Don't go through the teleporter without i another.

(Genji is too young to keep his own and then Sojiro-oyabun keeps him entertained)

  • mchanzo
  • jesse mccree
  • hanzo shimada
  • overwatch
  • werecree
  • oni hanzo
  • halloween
  • fanart
  • kannibal
  • the globe needs more heroes

"M'a rotter now, Han."
"PDS-sufferer. Yous are still yourself. And you are back to me."

An angsty In the Flesh McHanzo AU

  • mchanzo
  • jesse mccree
  • hanzo shimada
  • overwatch
  • in the flesh
  • zombie!McCree
  • fanart
  • kannibal

The moon-scented hunter and the last Lord of Cainhurst McHanzo #BloodborneAU because of that HotS vampire!Hanzo skin.

The moon-scented hunter and the last Lord of Cainhurst McHanzo #BloodborneAU because of that HotS vampire!Hanzo skin.

  • mchanzo
  • hanzo shimada
  • jesse mccree
  • overwatch
  • bloodborne AU
  • kannibal
  • fanart


Source: https://kannibal.tumblr.com/

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